A big undertaking, totally worth it in the end.
In the first Instance, to keep the theme "under wraps" was a major challenge and had to be maintained as there were commercial sensitives that may have arisen for example, the idea may have been picked up by another competitor. There was also the sheer delight, of guessing the anticipation of the Artwork. This potentially would have been lost, if the themes had been released.
The community survey data was collated under the below categories and each Art theme has been designed based on common responses from this engagement.
1. Agriculture/Rural Aspects- Train and Railway Station, Wheat Crop
2. Community Gatherings- Colbinabbin Farmers Picnic
3. Environment/Locality- Channel and CFA Theme
4. Flora and Fauna- Billy Buttons and Wedge Tail Eagle
5. Sport and Social Events- Tractor Pull, Netball, Cricket and Tennis (Depicted by the children walking to the recreation reserve via the train bridge.)
There were great challenges as the project team worked closely with Tim Bowtell in ensuring that all the themes blended across all silos to depict a pictorial lens of our community's unique characteristic and values.
Project Final Report
We are then required to submit a final summary of the project to the State Government. We are pleased to advise that the developed project plan has been successfully implemented per the agreement documents and project guidelines. To the best of our knowledge, we are also led to believe that no other Silo Art Project has had the extensive preparation of the work undertaken.